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Arkada's Maść Naturalne Olejki i Kolagen - 70g

Arkada's Maść Naturalne Olejki i Kolagen - 70g

Regular price £26.99 GBP
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Innovative ointment for cracked skin on heels, hands, elbows and knees by A. Arkada

Created from scratch on the basis of natural, active ingredients such as lanolin and beta-glucan, combined with a unique fragrance composition, creates a product with intensive skin lubricating properties. Lanolin is responsible, among other things, for regulating the hydrolipid economy of the skin - it restores its natural elasticity, thus reducing its tendency to crack. Beta-Glucan, is responsible for stimulating the cells of the skin's defense system, thanks to which it accelerates wound healing, regenerates the structure of the skin and soothes irritation.


Another noteworthy ingredient in this product is, among others, Sacha Inchi Amazon nut seed oil, which contains an exceptionally high concentration of unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3, 6 and 9. It affects the restoration of the skin's natural hydrolipidic mantle. In turn, Vitamin E, present in the ointment, protects the skin from excessive drying, loss of firmness and elasticity, and thus reduces the risk of epidermal cracking. Vitamin A improves the functioning of the skin, increasing its ability to retain water. Lavender oil has bactericidal and fungicidal effects. It soothes irritation and prevents dermatitis. Sage oil delays skin aging and soothes inflammation. Rosemary oil has antiseptic, bactericidal and fungicidal effects, and helps to firm the skin effectively.


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